I sincerely thanks to those who credited me as the original author or linked back to my blog since you got out some or whole of my posts or copy-paste it. Please do your own original post.
You are free to write anything but please respect each other.
Thank you for visiting my blog
and your appreciation.. :D

Sunday, November 28, 2010

2010 Mnet Asian Music Award

Posted by wikewiw at 10:27 PM 0 Comments

Mnet Asian Music Award 2010 aka MAMA 2010 was held yesterday November 28, 2010 at 6pm in Macau.
There are many Korean, Japanese, and Cheinese were attending. And for me, the only one person whom I really wish to came is Yoon Eun Hye! Two days ago there many reports regarding of Miss YEH sightings in Incheon, International Airport of Korea. So yesterday I was really sure that she would attend.
And of course, she did! She presented for The Best album Award won by 2NE1.
Miss Yoon Eun Hye was wearing a glamour red silky gown. She really owned the stage last night.
When she was starting to speak, the viewers were screamed out loud, so did I! I was so happy, excited, shocked, coz this is my first time saw her Live on TV (not TV, actually my laptop screen )

The funny thing is,  she did a "little cheering fan motion" and saying "Oh.. I'm such a big *fan"  when knowing that 2NE1 is the winner.
*She is a big fan of 2NE1, and I am absolutely sure that she fells that presenting was a grace, coz her Idol Group is the winner.

*Daesang Award (Grand Prize)
Song of the Year
miss A – “Bad Girl Good Girl”

Album of the Year
2NE1 – To Anyone  

Artist of the Year
*Singer Category
Best New Male Artist Award (not shown during broadcast)

Best New Female Artist Award
miss A

Male Group Award

Female Group Award

Male Singer Award

Female Singer Award (not shown during broadcast)

*Genre Category
Best Dance Performance – Solo
Rain – “Love Song”

Best Dance Performance – Male Group
2PM – “I’ll Be Back”

Best Dance Performance – Female Group
miss A – “Bad Girl Good Girl”

Best Vocal Performance – Solo
Gummy – “Because You’re A Man”

Best Vocal Performance – Group (not shown during broadcast)
2AM – “Can’t Send You Even if I Die”

Best Band Performance
Hot Potato – “Confession”

Best Rap Performance
DJ Doc – “I’m This Kind of Person”

Best Collaboration (not shown during broadcast)
Ga-In/Jo Kwon – “We Fell In Love”

Best Digital Single
Park Bom – “You and I”

*Music Video
Best Music Video
2NE1 – “Can’t Nobody”

For the complete Award winner check allkpop.com

Credit: YEH.net , allkpop

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Playful Kiss Special Episode 7

Posted by wikewiw at 10:10 PM 0 Comments
The most I like!! 

Saengil Chukae for myself..

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Baek Seung Jo's Diary 7 Special Episode

Posted by wikewiw at 11:14 AM 0 Comments
Selamat Ulang Tahun
Happy Birthday
(Rough translation Bahasa-English)

Apa semua wanita di dunia ini mau menerima benda seperti ini?
Do all women in this world want to receive those kinds of things?
memberi bunga atau membuat sebuah kejutan benar2 tidak cocok bagiku
Giving flowers or setting up a surprise event really doesn't fit me
Bukankah dengan ketulusan hati saja sudah cukup?
Isn't a sincere heart good enough?

Tapi mendengar mu berkata kamu tidak pernah mendapatkan bunga sangat menggangguku
BUt your weak voice stating you have never received flowers keeps bothering me
Tanggal 16 hari apa? Aku ada panggilan. Dan ada 2 operasi
What day is the 16th? i am on call. I also have 2 surgeries.

Sejujurnya kita berdua tahu, tapi akan lebih baik kalau kamu tidak tahu
To be honest, you and I both know but the important fact is
that you don't ned to know. hoo hoo
Oh Ha Ni :"Suamiku yang berpakaian rapi tiba-tiba muncul dihadapanku  membawa 100 bunga mawar sambil mengucapkan "Kejutan!" Dan makan malam di restoran dengan pemandangan yang indah. BUkankah itu ide bagus?"
My wonderfully dressed husband suddenly appears before me, with 100 roses
While saying, "Surprise!"
And have dinner at a restaurant with an awesome right view
Isn't it awesome?!"
Karena suami mu bukan orang yang bisa mengungkapkan sesuatu membuat mu susah. Saat aku bilang aku tidak bisa
datang saat ulang tahun mu kamu berkata tidak apa-apa, tapi suaramu terdengar sangat kecewa
Because you met a husband that's not good at expressing himself things that are a given, have become
something hard for you. When i said I couldn't come to your birthday you said it was alright, but your voice
was filled with dissappoinment

Bodooh.. Tunggulah.
Dummy... Just wait a bit.

Apakah ini rasanya cinta?
Is this what love is?
Baek Seung Jo yang hebat memohon kepada semua orang untuk berganti jadwal
The great Baek Seung JO is begging everyone to switch days
Membuatku membeli bunga...
Making me but flower...

"Hey Oh Ha Ni, Kamu harus bergegas keluar dari ruang emergensi. Hanya sedikit suster disana"
"Hey Oh Ha Ni, you're going to have to hurry and come out. There are't enough nurses in the emergency room. Hurry up!"

Kebohonganku membuatku muak
My playuful lie makes me nauseous
Bunga dan balon yang memalukan, sesuatu yang tidak pernah dilakukan Baek Seung Jo.
Tapi, selalu membayangkan betapa senangnya kamu membuat ku sebahagia ini.
From the embarassing flowers and ballons, something the every Baek Seung Jo never do.
BUt merely imagining how happy you will be  makes me this happy.
Karena seorang wanita hamil, semua yang sudah aku siapkan menjadi kacau
Due to the fussing pregnant lady, everything I prepared was messed up
Meskipun begitu itu adalah kewajiban seorang dokter. agak menyedihkan
Though it was a given for doctor, I was a bit saddened by it

Ha NI, Apa yang harus ku lakukana? Maaf.
Ha NI, What to do? Sorry.
Perasaan ku sudah mengkerut(?)..  Tapi kau teteap akan menerimanya kan? perasaan ku ini?
My feelings for you have been wrinkled.. BUt you're still going to accept it right? My feelings.
Ayo terus bersama-sama seperti hari ini sampai hari ulang tahu terakhir mu, sampai akhir hayat kita.
Dalam kesedihan dan kesenangan, ayo kita terus bersama-sama seperti hari ini.
Let's be together like today until your last birthday, until the end of our lives.
Both in sad times and happy times let's always be together like this

Cinta adalah janji. Kita akan mendapatkan cinta yang sempurna.
Love's pledge. We will achieve perfect love.
Mawar ini menandakan sedalanya yang tidak bisa aku ungkapkan
Let's confession. The rose signifies everything I which can't say
Maukah kau memahami hati ku?
Aku berubah seperti ini untuk mu.
Aku, orang yang satu ini, berangsur-angsur berubah menjadi orang bodoh karena ingin melihat mu tersenyum
Do you want to appreciate my heart?
That i'm gradually abandoning myself for you, this one person.
This I, this one person, gradually becomes an idiot because I want to see you smile
Selamat ulang tahun.
Aku mencintaimu Oh Ha Ni.
Happy Birthday to you.
I love you, Oh Ha Ni.

Selamat ulang tahun. Hari kamu dilahirkan untukku.
Hari yang membuat ku labih senang daripada kamu
Happy birthday. The day you were born in order for you to come to me
A day that i'm happier than you are.
Satu hal lagi. Nyanyikan lagu Selamat Ulang Tahun untukku, baru aku bisa meniup lilinnya.
One more thing. Sing me Happy Birthday, so that i can blow out the candles
BSJ: "Fine, since today is Oh Ha NI's birthday.Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you.. I Love.."
OHN:"That part! One more time! The part about you loving me, one more time! I love you. Oh Ha Ni's birthday.."
BSJ:"I love you Oh Ha NI.."
OHN:""One more time!
BSJ:"Hey, come one!

OHN:"Suamiku, sekali lagi"
BSJ:"Aku cinta kamu istri ku "
OHN:"Hubby, one more time"
BSJ:"I love you my wifey.. "

Aku mencintaimu, 10% dari kamu..
Hal yang tidak bisa aky lakukan dan hanya kamu yang dapat melakukannya..
Semua kekurangan dan kelebihan mu..
Aku Mencintai mu
I love you. That  10% about you...
I can't do it and it's something only you could do..
All of your strengths and weaknesses..
I love you.

Baek Seung Jo is the volumnious one but only with his heart not by his mouth!

After all I watched this drama, I only love the Special Episodes. Coz they are more interesting, I guess. Just my IMO..
By the way I love this 7 Special episode very very much, coz I was born on November 16, so, Oh Ha ni and I have the same birthday, and I feel like the writer made this episode especially for me!! Today, on the day i was born (Nov 16) i am happy more than Baek Seung Jo! hahahah

Puma 'Secret Room of An Actress'

Posted by wikewiw at 6:24 AM 0 Comments
Marie Claire, fashion magazine had released the December issuse.
Yoon Eun Hye models for Puma in Marie Claire.

Earlier, we'd seen the cute Eun Hye with the bubble, ice cream and pink panther doll, but these following pics really the different side of the earlier and Yoon Eun Hye herself. She reveals her hot, mysterious, glamour, etc..
She is Extremely Hot! Beautiful! 

I am pretty sure these pics really wouldn't be easy for YEH FanBoy and FanMen. Coz I am so uneasy staring at these pics -->hey, I'm a girl, how can I be so uneasy by looking YEH laying on the bed and show her beutiful long legs?? haha. But heey, she is still cuuteee! I love her more and more, day by day my love gains and would never stop.. hehehe. Ok, let me straight this, do I love her? Definitely, YES! but I love her as my sister.. I am normal, Hello?? ^^ I wish she was born as my sister, it would be great!! Anyways.. so grateful just become her fan..  hehe


Below are the rest of all pics..

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Baek Seung Jo's Diary 6 Special Episode

Posted by wikewiw at 4:18 AM 0 Comments
Hari ini, Aku mendapatkan surat ijin mengemudiku
Today, I Get My License 
(Rough translation Bahasa-English)

 Oh Ha ni.. Kamu akan mengemudi?
Oh Ha Ni.. Are you going to drive?

 Bukankah akan lebih baik berjalan saja? Berikan aku kunci mobilnya
Wouldn't it be better walk?  Give me the key.

Suara tertawamu yang bersinar bagai cahaya matahari..
Aku berkata seperti itu sebelum menyadari betapa mengerikan situasinya
The sound of your laughter shines likes the sunlight.

Seperti dugaan ku.. Kamu bukanlah Oh Ha Ni jika menyetir dengan baik.
Aku merinding, semua bulu kudukku berdiri
Bagaimana kamu bisa mendapatkan SIM mu, padahal kamu tidak bisa memberitahu
perbedaan belok kanan dan belok kiri?
As i tought.. You're not Oh Ha Ni if you dive well.
All hairs on my body are standing.
How did you get your license, when you can't tell the difference between raight or left turn?

 Kamu akan berlatih sendirian? Lalu, bagaimana dengan aku?
Ingin aku kena serangan jantung selagi aku menunggu mu?
Are you going to practice by yourself?
Do you want me to get a herat attack while waiting you anxiously? 

 Aku tidak ingin menjadi duda setelah satu tahun pernikahan
I daon't wanna be a widower after one year marriage
Siapa yang akan mengajari orang bodoh sepertimu jika bukan orang pintar, Baek Seung Jo?
Aku merasa tidak baik pada diriku sendiri, karena aku harus mengikutimu
dan mengajarimu caranya menyetir
Who'll teach the dummy like you  if not a prodigy, Baek Seung Jo?
I feel bad to myself, because i have to follow you around and tueach you how to drive.
 Kamu sama sekali tidak ada keinginan mempelajari cara menyetir dan malahan tetap melakukan kesalahan
You have no intention of learning how to teach, and instead keep doing the mess around.

Seperti dugaan ku, contoh yang sangat pas dari anak2 yang tidak melakukan pekerjaan dengan baik disekolah
Just as I tought, a perfect example of the kids that didn't do well in school
Kapan kau akan menjadi dewasa?
When are you going to go grow up?

 Sebegitu senangnya-kah kamu, anak kecil? Ini bukan latihan mengemudi, melainkan seperti kita jalan-jalan
You're that happy kiddo? This isn't practicing driving, but tottaly as if we're going on a trip

 Ini pertama kalinya. Bernyanyi dengan keras sepanjang jalan dan mengobrol dan tertawa di samping kamu yang periang
this is a first time. Singing along this loudly and talking and laughing alongside your bright self

 Oh Ha Ni, kamu selalu memperdaya diriku dan mengeluarkan sisi yang beda dari diriku
Oh Ha Ni, you always disarm me and bring out a diferent side of me..

Lagi-lagi, itulah pesona Oh Ha Ni. JIka bukan untuk mu aku akan bertingkah bijaksana
Aku akan berbicara sesuai ciri2ku, dan mungkin akan marah jika sesuatu berjalan tidak sesuai rencana
Then again, that is Oh Ha Ni's charm. If not for you i would act prudently
I would speak discretely, and would probably be living my life getting mad at anything that didn't happen as planned

 Saat aku melihat mu, aku ingin terus bermain-main dengan mu
When i am looking at you, I keep wanting to fool around

 Di situasi yang tidak masuk akal seperti ini di saat aku ingin menangis, kamu membuat ku tertawa
Jarang sekali aku bisa membebaskan diri dari kehidupan yang membosankan
Karena kamu.. Semuanya jadi sangat menyenangkan dan membuat ku senang seperti mencicipi biskuit enak
At a incredulous situation like this when i want to cry, you make me laugh
The few times i am able to break away from a humdrum life because of you..
It's enjoyable and makes me happy like tasting an unexpectedly delicious cracker

 Akan seperti apa 10 tahun ke depan?
Apakah kamu akan tetap bodoh dan aku tetap sibuk berusaha mengajari mu?
What will it be like in 10 years? Us that is.
Will you be dumb as ever and i busy as ever trying to teach you?

Apakah kita akan hidup bahagia dengan anak kita yang cantik?
Akan seperti apa rambut kita yang putih dalam 50 tahun?
Will we be living happily ever after with our pretty little baby?
What will our white haired selves be like in about 50 years?
 Oh Ha NI: "Baiklah"
Oh Ha Ni: "Alright"

 Baek Seung Jo: "Seat Belt!"
Oh Ha Ni: "Seat belt"
Baek Seung Jo: Lepas rem tangan"
Oh Ha Ni: "Lepas rem tangan, Go!"

 Ayo kita tmbuh menjadi tua dengan baik, sehingga tumbuh menjadi tua tidak menyedihkan dan sengsara
Ayo kita berbagi waktu kita bersama
Ayo hidup seperti itu
Selamanya sepanjang waktu..
Let's grow old nicely, so that growing old isn't sad and miserable.
Humble for the full extent of time
Let's share our time together
Let's life like that.
Together for a long time..



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