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Monday, September 13, 2010

Memorable Words

Posted by wikewiw at 4:09 AM
As we go through life, there are many times when we show much pretense, falsely decorating ourselves. It's probably because we aren't able to love ourselves as we are.
Human beings aren't able to love themselves (ourselves) as they (we) are.
Therefore, when we meet someone who will love the things that we ourselves can't love, we feel "I'm being loved.." and feel happiness.
Then when the love disappears, we feel "I'm not being loved.." and get hurt.

Just like this, people tend to look at the size (greatness) of love by the love they receive, rather than the love they give.
But as people are used to conditional love since their (our) youthful days, it's probably inevitable that sharing love with each other, if we only see the amount of love we receive, will make us feel that we are always in the losing end of things.
But God doesn't judge us through our appearance.
We would be able to have happiness and peace in front of God even if we don't have great skills, lots of money, and power.
We are able to receive unconditional love.

Credit:  YEH's Twitter


Anonymous said...

hi wikeee..
thanks for your post!!
i'd tried to translate her tweet in google translate, but i'm stuck actually GT made me stuck..
it's a relief that i found your post with the translation too..
BTW great translation, keep up your work!
wish everything is okay~!!
greet Warriior

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